Govt. Primary School, Chalah Village Distt. Kullu(HP) - राजकीय प्राथमिक पाठशाला, चलाह, जिला कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Arjun Dev
By -

Govt. Primary School Chalah Village

Government Primary School, Chalah Village, Lug Valley, Kullu District (HP)

Chalah Village, located in the scenic Lug Valley of Kullu District, is home to Government Primary School Chalah. This school serves students from first to fifth grade, providing essential education amidst Lug Valley's tranquil environment.

During your visit to the Fumni Mata Temple in Teun village of Lug Valley, Government Primary School Chalah is a significant stop where you can find clean drinking water. Memories of the journey to Chalah Village have faded over time, but the school remains a beacon of educational opportunity in this remote area.

ROUTE: Dhalpur to > Bhutthi Chowk> Bhutthi > Kamand > Shalang village > Kalang village > Gramag village then several more villages > Chalah village then several more villages > Teun Village.

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