शौईरी-साज़ा - Shoiri Saza or Sair is an agricultural festival | TravellingPhone | Festival

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"शौईरी-साज़ा " (अश्विन संक्रान्ति)!
The centuries-old Sair festival is mainly celebrated in Shimla, Mandi, Kullu, and Solan districts every year in mid-September.
What's the significance and why we celebrate?
Shoiri Saza or Sair is an agricultural festival. It is celebrated on the first of Asauj/Ashvin month (mid-September to mid-October) and marks the beginning of harvesting Kharif crops like paddy, corn, millet, urad, etc. in Kullu valley and other parts of Himachal. The word Kharif came from the Mughal empire.

Shoiri saza or Sair is an Agricultural festival. Food
Shoiri saza or Sair is an Agricultural festival.
 Sair OR Shoiri Saza is an Agricultural Festival celebrated in North Indian state of India, Himachal Pradesh.

 Shoiri Saza 2020 date - 17th-SEP-2020.

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