A 29-years old woman tested positive for COVID-19 in Khokhan ward of Bhuntar in Kullu District.

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A 29-year-old woman tested positive for COVID-19 in Kullu | Tested women is basically from Mandi district.

  • Bhuntar Bazaar almost sealed.
  • Khokhan road via Shamahi is sealed.
  • Most of the shops will remain closed.
  • Section 144 implemented in Bhuntar
  • Entry allowed, exit restricted for the Khokhan ward.
Ward number 2 and 6 of Shurhad Panchayat adjoining Bhuntar, ward number 9 of Khokhan Panchayat, ward number 4 of Nagar Panchayat Bhuntar declared as maintenance zone, the entire area will remain sealed, all shops other activities will remain closed, Section 144 implemented, Section 144 applied to buffer zone number 3,4,5 of Shurhad Panchayat and ward number 5 of Nagar Panchayat Bhuntar
A separate OPD ward is created for the patients having flu, cold, and fever.
A 29-year-old woman hailing from Mandi district arrived on 3 May with her 9-year-old daughter from IGMC Shimla to Bajaura where she was diagnosed with no symptoms and was given a precautionary home for 14 days at her quarter(rented house) in Bhuntar. At the end of her quarantine period, she got her check-up where no symptoms were found. Last week she visited OPD of Kullu Hospital with having flu where a sample of her corona test was taken which came positive. The woman and her baby are being kept in isolation. Contact tracing is also going on now also take samples of other possible contacts will be taken. 
Please do not panic and be very careful.
     Ward number 2 and 6 of Panchayat Shurd, along with ward number 9 of Khokhan Panchayat and ward number 4 of Bhuntar Nagar Panchayat declared as the Containment Zone. In these wards coming out of home, walking on the road and any vehicle movement is prohibited.

How many Corona positive cases are in Kullu?

As of now Total 3 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Kullu.

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